Staff Spotlight: Elise

In the first installment of Elysian Co.'s Staff Spotlights, we catch up with Elise Wright, store owner of Elysian Co. to give customers a glimpse into her personal life and what she loves about the store.
What is your role at Elysian Co.?
The store is an extension of who I am. I am the store owner, primarily, but I am the visionary for the brand. I wear a lot of hats: I buy for the store, re-merchandise, post for our social media accounts, and do a lot of behind-the-scenes work.

What is your favorite item or category to shop at Elysian?
Candles, specifically the scent Volcano, which is my favorite. Anything by Free People and NIKIBIKI. Those are my top three, for sure.
What is your coffee order?
Grande, iced, oat milk, honey latte...easy on the honey.
Where is your favorite travel spot?
Well, I love Florida because Piper (Elise’s daughter) loves the beach, so whatever makes my kids happy is what I love to do. I love adventure and enjoy going to do things while I’m on vacation. I love discovering new and special places wherever I visit, like great restaurants and then I'll revisit them when I return.
What would people never guess that you do in your role?
I can list a few: maybe accounting? I also do the marketing and graphic design for the store...taking boxes to recycling is one I do that is random.

What has been your favorite project or event at Elysian?
When we renovated the store, that was my favorite, big project. The first initial renovation was really cool because we originally had carpeting, so we got new flooring. We worked to make the store bright and airy by painting and moving things around like the cash bar. The overall experience changed when we did the renovation. My favorite event would be the fashion show we did one summer at Cerulean (a restaurant in Winona Lake). It was outside under a tent and it was incredible. We enjoyed sushi and yummy cocktails. We had a fun, energetic group of people, too. It was the first big event I did just for Elysian because it wasn’t affiliated with anyone else, so it was a milestone.
If you could do any other job for a day, what would you do?
I would love to merchandise for a store like Free People or Anthropologie or be a buyer for them. I would love to travel and source products for them, but the fact that I get to do it for myself is really cool, too.
When are you happiest?
Well, I love being here. I feel really great vibes when I’m here because I love what I do. I also love my weekends with my family: like doing fun things with my girls, playing outside, going on walks in the evenings and obviously spending quality time with my husband. Our get-togethers with my immediate family make me really happy, too.. Whenever we’re all together as a family it’s amazing and so special.
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